About Us
Mubeeya Cultural and Tourism Heritage Center is a non government organisation registered under the national Bureau of NGOs in Uganda
Our Mission
To bring back African Traditions, values and Norms that seem to have faded also fight against the violation of cultural heritage sites and destruction of natural environment
Our Vission
Mubeeya Cultural and Tourism Center being proficient in fighting against cultural violations, promoting tourism, protecting cultural heritage sites as well as supporting the community
Our Core Values
Fighting against the violation of cultural health, heritage sites and destruction of the natural environment
Supporting vulnerable communities and engaging in talent development schemes
Promoting culture and tourism as well as restoring destroyed norms.
Promoting research, education and development projects.
The director

Mubeeya Cultural and Tourism Heritage Center is an organisation ready and prepared to uplift the well-being of human beings
We have put our efforts in promoting the cultural heritage centers and to fight human sacrifices.
we also help youths and also the vulnerable people together with those who have a giving and caring heart so that these people can uplift their lives
connecting with mother earth for every step you take
Mubeeya Tourism site located east of Uganda Buikwe district in Banga 2 Kabizi Ward Nyenga Division Njeru Municipality from jinja u branch off from nyenga road is were God`s wonders starts from, marvelous Mubeeya falls which make a movarous hissing sound created from water falls,making a dive of more than 200ft ,the more than 100 birds spices, fresh cool and air,wonderful,Godly modified with stingful laid in superior and special way .some like chairs ,others twined together with embedded board games,some like caves 8ft high.The site is covered by a Godly vegetation consisting of different tree types with a number of shrubs,herbs acting as home for different number of insects.The site is a best place for ecotourism ,natural wonders sunbathing, a wonderful place where one can experience different God's creations,yoga and camping activities ,nature guided walks,

untold truth
Mubeeya was born like any other child ,spent 9 months in the mothers womb with her twin brother SSezibwa in the 18th century.Born by a legendary gentleman from Buganda kingdom Ssalongo Nsubuga Ssebwato of Mamba Clan and a winsome woman known as Nakangu Tebyasa of Kibe clan who are said to have been leaving in Namukono Village Ngogwe subcounty Buikwe district.
They started their journey separately ,later joined together in Namukono , moved an estimated distance of 10kms and separated on the borders of Namukono and Lugasa.
Mubeeya took a different path from his brother Sezibwa towards Banga 2 where she formed MUBEEYA FALLS and later continued her journey estimated 90kms to lake VIctoria.